Announcing my new blog series–Where The Wind Blows Me

I’ll be writing a new series on my blog that perfectly aligns with the nature of my life. Alas, I’m a jack-of-all-trades, though master at only a few…BUT, I do cross many paths in a day, and ping-pong about in my thoughts, research, and activities. It is these things–Where The Wind Blows Me–that I’ll highlight here. I do hope you’ll enjoy and learn with me. Till then, my friends.


Hello and welcome to my blog, Reclaimian Rhapsody. My name is Cindy, I’m a “Reclaimian” 🙂 , and I’ve got so many things I want to write about here. My mind is racing with ideas about future topics, including the ups and downs of salvaging vintage merchandise; research and history about the things I find; new ways to incorporate antique, vintage, and salvaged items into contemporary decors; sharing new recipes I’ve tried or would like to try; crafts and projects I’d like to do; DIY home maintenance and repairs that can save money; and just about any other thing that suits my fancy.

Check back every now and then to see what’s new, and I hope to see you soon.
